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Powerful Peace


As I embarked on my predawn walk around the block to wake up and clear my head (something I do every morning, weather and motivation permitting), I started thinking about today’s essay.


My plan was to combine two profound life experiences into a saga of failure and ultimate triumph (the “triumph” part is still in question). The two experiences? Swimming (spoiler alert: I consider myself a “non-swimmer”) and my decision to try to start wearing contact lenses. (The key word is “try.”)


“How are these related, Dave?” you may ask. Well, to you, maybe they aren’t, but to me, they have a lot in common, as you’ll someday discover, just not today. Why? Read on.


When I returned home, per my morning routine, I spent 20 minutes reading. As I read, I came across a quote by Martin Luther King III (son of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.):


“Choosing peace is not a weakness, it is power.” –– Martin Luther King III


 And at that moment, my thoughts changed, from swimming, contact lenses and hilarious anecdotes about my life, to self-reflection about what that quote means to me, and what it should mean to all of us.


The PEACE sign is my favorite symbol. I have on shirts, hats, and decals. If I were a tattoo person (I’m not), I’d likely have PEACE inked somewhere on my body (along with a tat of Charlie Brown, my favorite cartoon character and all-around nice guy). I sign all my books with a PEACE sign. When I greet people, I often flash the two-fingered PEACE salute in lieu of a simple wave.


“All we are saying, is give peace a chance.” –– John Lennon


I believe in PEACE, and power of it. And I like to display it because I believe it is––or should be––universal and devoid of political, religious or cultural barriers. I believe we are all capable of living peacefully, and yet, PEACE seems to be one thing that is short supply today. And I’m part of the problem, because ironically, the very PEACE signs that I so willingly and publicly display often don’t match my behavior.


And as I thought about the King quote this morning, and my perspective of PEACE, I realized something. I need to do a better job of living it, when I’m alone, with family and friends and when I’m in public.


"Peace begins with a smile." –– Mother Teresa

If PEACE truly is power, and I believe it is, then shouldn’t it be a core tenet––the starting point–– of everything we do? Far be from me to preach; there are plenty of people more qualified than I for that job. But as I thought more and more about the word, the symbol, the concept, and the power of PEACE, I realized what it can do for an individual, a family, a community, and the world.


I’m not saying anything that hasn’t been said a million times before, and I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.


All I’m saying is that, for me, I need to put more, better, and stronger actions behind my beliefs and those symbols I proudly wear and put on display every day. And I truly believe that when I consciously start to live a life of PEACE, things around me will change for the better.


“Be peace, don't just talk about it.” — Thich Nhat Hanh


I promise I will share the whacky, stupid, and hilarious stories of my swimming and contact lens escapades in coming weeks. But today, I just felt like I needed to give PEACE its due. I hope you can find PEACE in your day and in your life.


© 2025 David R. Haznaw

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David Haznaw | Everyday Words LLC

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