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I'm not writing this today because it's Thanksgiving week in the U.S. (You'll just have to take me at my word on that.) I'm writing it because it's long overdue.

It's this: Thank you.

I've been writing nearly every day since I was 17 years old (no need to do the math; let's just agree that's a long time). And for most of those years, it's been my chosen craft, writing for companies and organizations that pay me to help them promote their services or tell their stories.

But 10 years ago, I made a concerted effort to write and share pieces of my own, and within the cracks of each work week -- and often on weekends -- during that span, I've been writing for myself and periodically sharing my works with the world.

This "world" of which I speak remains smaller than I had envisioned (I think most authors dream of having thousands or millions of followers and fans, and I still cling to that hope), yet it's a world -- and an audience -- that has graciously and faithfully consumed my essays, opinions, life memories and streams of consciousness; attended my readings and occasionally even purchased a book or two. And for that, I'm beyond grateful.

I'm humbled.

Anyway, at the risk of appearing as though I want you to thank me for thanking you (I don't), I won't belabor the point. I just want to let you know that I'm grateful you come to visit this site and read my work, even if only it's only now and again, and I truly appreciate your comments and your support.

Like I said, this thank you is long, long overdue, but please know that it's real, and I hope I continue to connect with you, inspire you and entertain you. And who knows? Maybe this world -- this audience -- will grow across the next 10 years. I believe if it's meant to be, it will happen.

Here's to you. I hope you're well.

(C) 2023 David R. Haznaw

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